Keeping the plant in operation is vital in today’s highly competitive power market. MPW’s proprietary automated deslagging technology allows us to clean the boiler during both online and offline settings.
Online deslagging technology developed by MPW is paying dividends for customers. This cleaning technology prevents units from being taken offline and restores generation capacity. Online deslagging allows for continuous power generation, without lost opportunity costs for the customer. By safely removing the most tenacious slag with surgical precision, MPW’s technology keeps your plant up and running, minimizing forced outages.
Traditional boiler cleaning services are offered at competitive rates if you are forced to take the boiler offline.
Boiler Services
Call us today at 1-800-827-8790 and let one of our professionals assist you.
Cyclone Boiler Cleaning
MPW’s Cyclone Boiler Cleaning Tool provides an automated high-pressure and high-volume water jetting process that significantly reduces the duration of cleaning time needed to prepare Cyclones for rebricking of refractory. MPW’s Cyclone Cleaning Head rotates as the tool is gradually indexed in and out of the Cyclone boiler, to ensure consistent and thorough removal of slag, scale, and refractory materials. This flexible design and setup ensures complete cleaning contact without the need for personnel to enter the Cyclone to manually jet. Not only does this contribute to project efficiency it also provides a significant safety advantage.
Boiler Tube Cleaner
MPW Industrial Services’ Boiler Tube Cleaner system is designed to remotely clean the interior tubes of steam and mud drums within boilers. The Boiler Tube Cleaner travels along a track indexing each tube with consistent pressure, providing thorough cleanings. The cleaner is operated remotely from a joystick control station featuring a real-time display from the on-board forward mounted camera. The spring-coiled hose, housed within the automated drum, provides flexibility and strength for all lengths of boilers.
Air Heater Cleaning
MPW’s air heater cleaning provides cutting-edge technology to ensure air heater baskets are thoroughly cleaned, resulting in improved heat transfer and increased plant efficiency. The versatile air heater tooling employs multiple cleaning heads with scalable cleaning nozzles combined with an automated track-driven design, allowing for a constant basket speed during the cleaning process.