Jimmy Peck, General Manager of MPW’s Industrial Cleaning Division, was named to Board of Directors of the WaterJet Technology Association (WTJA) and Industrial & Municipal Cleaning Association (IMCA) in September.
Peck’s four-year term will begin October 25.
In an acceptance letter, WJTA-IMCA Association Manager Peter Wright wrote that Peck’s candidacy demonstrates “interest in, and support for, the WJTA-IMCA and its activities, which we greatly appreciate.”
According to its website, WJTA-IMCA “members include high pressure waterjet and industrial vacuum equipment users, manufacturers, distributors, researchers, regulators, and consultants. WJTA-IMCA is international in scope with corporate and individual members throughout the world.
“The primary goals of WJTA-IMCA are enhancing communication within the industry; facilitating cooperation between government, industry, university and research institutions; fostering foreign and domestic trade in jet cutting and cleaning products and industrial vacuum equipment and services; and studying and advancing the arts and sciences of jet cutting of industrial and geological materials, as well as industrial cleaning and vacuuming.”
For more information, click here.